Our school calendar is packed with fun activities for our community members
Our school calendar is packed with fun activities for our community members. Most of the activities take place within the school, but we also host bigger events for which we invite parents and other friends of IST. Two great examples are our Meet & Greet BBQ at the start of the school year and the End of Year celebration. Both events are fun ways to learn more about each others culture and cuisine as everyone brings in food and decorations. With events like these we aim to connect our community within which expats and locals meet each other.
Our community is also strengthened by the support of parents. The IST Particiaption Council (Primary and Secondary) and IST Parents Support Group play an important role in developing our school. You can learn more about these platforms at their respective pages, including how you can support IST by signing up.
Our students are also encouraged to provide service to the local community. The collaboration with the Stroinkshuis offers regular CAS opportunities for IST students to contribute to the wellbeing of others.
And then there is also our house system. All IST students are members of one of the 4 houses who compete over the title House of the Year. The competition is linked to all our events and extracurricular activities. Students can score house points by competing in knowledge, creativity, sports and service. But all of these is ultimately to challenge oneself and build lasting friendships.